Friday, May 29, 2015

Week 1 Assignment 5
So, other than To Kill a Mockingbird, I have read NONE of the classics this lovely six year old described, but it was entertaining to see what she thought they were about. Children are so innocent and don't know any better of the world. I will admit, I remember fellow classmates having to read Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury in high school, but I didn't notice the man burning on the front cover until I read her description. Maybe I need to pay more attention to the cover and not automatically turn my back on it because it was a "required read" for many high school students.

Week 1 Assignment 4
Let me start off by saying I have a strong DISLIKE of Science Fiction/Fantasy books. Granted I was able to get through and some what enjoy Kindred by Octavia Butler to later be told I didn't read a "real" Science Fiction/Fantasy book. Next I was told to read Ender's Game by Oscar Scott Card. That's a lie. I was told I should try the audio book and it was decent. I think my biggest fear comes from being forced to read books with people riding on fire breathing unicorns or anything that is Star Wars or Star Trek. In my eyes...pure punishment. Nonetheless, I am facing my fears and will follow this website. Even going as far as saving it onto my favorite on my iPad.
In my fifteen years with the library, I have heard of this website often, but I have honestly never looked at it nor knew its overall purpose and worth. Needless to say, I opened the page and I felt like I took a step into Reader's Advisory Heaven...maybe Hell because there are currently 12 books waiting on the hold shelf for me and I currently have 100+ on hold. Do I really need any added recommendations? The poor, poor, Circulation staff. I apologize in advance. Did I mention I also signed up for the Newsletter? Yup. They should be very, very fearful.

Week 1 Assignment 3

Rule #10 - Keep Current With new books being published every day, it's vital to keep current. Read widely, attend conferences, watch for articles on reading and publishing trends. Be aware of local book and author events, read daily newspapers, and subscribe to electronic newsletters, blogs and discussion groups so you can stay ahead of your readers.

This is the HARDEST task at hand for me. Why? Too many books and not enough time to read them. Did I forget to mention that the most CURRENT books have hundreds of holds on them? Granted I am a fast reader, but I'm not THAT fast! I have something called a JOB, TWO KIDS (Three if you include my husband), and a HOUSEHOLD to keep orderly. How do you keep current? Amazon. I read the brief description, add it too my list of things I will read before I die, and hope I get to them.

Week 1 Assignment 2

I will admit, this was difficult for me because I do not read many of the genres that were included so it threw me off balance. Of the 12 covers shown, I got 5 correct. Needless to say, I need to read in those genres that I normally do not. Would love to see this done again with a wider range of genres. But at the end of the day, isn't that the entire purpose of this course? For us to learn about genres we normally do not read. This is going to be a fun ride...

Week 1 Assignment 1

Overall, I thought the quiz was interesting and fun. I got a 66% on the adult covers and 65% on the children's. What destroyed me? My crappy spelling abilities and long titles that I have difficulties remembering let along a customer. Darn you Midnight Garden Evil and Good...yup...screwed it up again. Grrr!